logos vs mythos
Both were essential and neither was superior to the other. Galileo Galilei philosopher and scientist defends physical science and theology by. Pin On Blogging Difference Between Bin Card and Stores Ledger. . Critics for some time now have debunked this simplistic notion of triumphant progress on good grounds. Hey guys this view gives a brief introduction to the concepts of the Mythos and the Logos. Der MYTHOS wurde zuerst als Bestandteil der mündlichen ÜBERLIEFERUNG definiert. Der MYTHOS bedeutete ursprünglich dasselbe wie der LOGOS. The Hard Determinism of these two men proves that their they believe every event is caused by something necessary. Put simply ethos refers to persuasion based on the credibility or authority of the speaker pathos refers to persuasion based on emotion and. Wobei LOGOS mehr für das sinnerfüllte MYTHOS dagegen das gesprochene Wort stand. An example of mythos is the bible. Busines...